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I had a dream my family was driving by a strip mall near our house at night and when we drove by there was a toy store and there was a pile of large teddy bears and they all snapped over and looked at me as we drove by. I was scared and told my family that they looked at me and they didn't believe me. So they stopped and decided to go in the toy store. It was closed but then it wasn't and there was one guy working there. I stood by the register and was looking at the teddy bears from there. The store had some kind of curtain made out of plastic and I was messing with it. Then we decided to leave and I closed the plastic curtain and I was near the bears on the outside again. And then all snapped their necks towards me through the plastic and it moved the curtian. My grandma laughed as I told her they did it again. Then we left and when we drove by again the bears looked at me again. This time my whole family saw them.